Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A New Season - A New Beginning

Hi, my name is Cathy and this is my first ever attempt at blogging.  I have toyed with the idea in the past but never did anything about it. This summer my life has turned upside down and I find myself in a place where I feel it is time to share what is on my heart with whomever wishes to hear it. I am a woman of deep faith in God, and it is my desire to share what He places on my heart.

For 24 years now I have had the amazing opportunity to be a mom to my daughter.  I wouldn't trade any of those years for the world.  In a few days she will pack her car and drive a long way to the other side of the country to being her journey.  Life as I have known it for a very long time will change drastically. So now I find myself at the doorway to a new beginning; a new season of life has arrived.  I am excited at the endless possibilities.

Speaking of seasons, my favourite one is Spring.  I love the newness of it all.  I love to see the snow leave and everything turn green again.  I love the flowers as they bloom and bring colour to my world.    Just outside our living room window is a magnolia tree.  It is beautiful when it blooms in late May-early June.  The flowers are so delicate that a strong wind could take them away from me for another year, so I cherish every day that they stay on the tree.  I simply love that tree. 

The other day, as I was out for a walk, I saw something totally out of the norm and God used it to speak to my heart.  As I was walking I noticed a tree, a magnolia tree that had one flower on it.  This tree was about 12 feet tall and about 8 feet wide. It was covered with green leaves and nothing but.... but this one single flower.  A single flower placed there by God for me to see.

At least, I would like to think that flower was simply there for me to see it.  What it said to my heart was simply this: I never know what to expect from God.  I never know how He is going to work in my life.  I can predict based on what normally goes on in my life, but every once in a while He likes to shake things up and do things in a way that is totally out of the ordinary, totally out of the norm of how things are done, just to make sure that I know it is He that is doing it. 

As I begin this new season, it is a bit on the scary side, but I know I am not alone.  I have amazing friends and family who love and support me.  AND, above all, I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and will never let me go.  What's in store for me?  I have NO idea, but I am really looking forward to it. 

Isaiah 43:18& 19 say, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!        Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

This is my New Season; my New Beginning. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read more! Cathy, you are such an amazing woman and I am glad and proud to call you my friend. You said it yourself, you are not alone. Call anytime you need an ear. Looking forward to reading more and sharing as you reveal your heart and thoughts through your blog. Love you, Sister!
