Saturday, January 28, 2012

Be Still

Tonight in church, while we were singing, I heard that still small voice say, Be Still.  If you know me, you know I don't like to stand still while singing, so it was tough. While trying to be still, I tried to start praying, but again I heard, Be Still. I didn't move, I didn't think, I just listened.

Isaiah 46:10-11 says, "“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”  The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress." 

There is something so renewing about being still and allowing God to speak into your life. Tonight I was totally blessed by it.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Voice Inside

Lately I have noticed a lot of people writing about dreams and the importance of doing everything in our power to reach for them. To be honest, in the past, I was not the type of person who paid much attention to my dreams because they never seemed to come true, so what was the point. I lived my life in fear of failure; not even trying to succeed. I lived life in fear of simply living. I just existed.

Thank God that is the past.  I am thankful that my Abba Father loves me too much to allow me to continue living in defeat and failure.   I am thankful for the new beginning He has given me.  Each and every day we receive another new beginning from His hand.  I love it.  No matter what yesterday brought, today is a new day, a new day to experience Him and to serve Him with my life. 

I recently saw a picture on Facebook that really spoke to my heart.

I love it!  The old me would have looked at my dreams and said, "What's the point, you can't accomplish it." but the new me tells me that the voice in my head is a liar, and I believe it!

Philippians 4:13 has taken on a new meaning the last little while.  " For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."  I have known this verse most of my life, but now it is becoming very real for me. Because I can do everything through Christ who gives me the strength I need, the things I say "I can't" do, I need to say, "I choose not" to do. When I choose not to reach for my dreams, it is a result of the fear again.  That is not a choice I choose to make any longer; I just don't!

I need to start living my life focused on the dreams God planted in my heart a very long time ago, as well as new ones He is blossoming in  my heart now.  I need to focus on using the gifts and talents God gave me to accomplish those dreams, and I know I can do it.

I am thankful for the people God has planted in my life who have my back; people I know are there to encourage me along the way.  I can do this!  I can fly!  Right Big Bro?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Attitude of the Heart

This morning I had my attitude checked by God.  I was waiting in the drive thru line at Timmy's, about 4-5 cars back from the entry when someone pulled up from the other side.  All the vehicles in front of me went in bumper to bumper not allowing that vehicle in line.  Although there was another vehicle behind me who also was there first, I did the right thing and let that other person get in. 

I must admit I was a little shocked though, that the other driver didn't even acknowledge what I did; didn't even look at me. I got a little ticked off. If you had been in the car you would have heard me say, "REALLY? You couldn't even say thank you???" Suddenly there was that check in my attitude. That wasn't why I did it.  So I told God I was sorry and quickly prayed for that woman's day.  When I got to the window for the coffee, I was handed the coffee and told that the woman ahead of me had already paid for it.... and I had been upset because she hadn't acknowledged me.  Wow!  What a lesson.

It isn't just what we say, it's what we think, it is the attitude of our heart that counts. Ephesians 4:22-24 says, " throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.  Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy."  That is the person I want to be, not the old self, but the new self, the one whose attitudes match the desires of my heart.  It starts with our thinking but needs to settle a little lower in our hearts.

I would like to be able to say that I had a great attitude all day long, but that would be a lie.  I had a bad attitude at work a couple of times, one person got to see it and that is one person too many.  I need to keep working on it, one day at a time.

If you know me, you are wondering why I was in the Timmy's drive thru. Since I don't drink coffee, I wasn't there for me, I pick it up for a friend at work.  So I wasn't even the beneficiary of the free coffee.  To the lady who paid for the coffee this morning, my friend says thank you for the coffee and I say thank you for the life lesson.  I have a feeling I gained more from your $1.80 than my friend did, at least I hope so.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Clean Slate

It's January, a new year is before us and since it is only January 2nd we haven't had much time to screw it up yet!  I have been thinking a lot about 2011 and all that happened in that year.  There were many good things, but some things that made me sad as well.   The best thing about a new year is that you have a clean slate and can start all over again.  That applies equally to the good and the bad of the previous year. 

It is easy to figure out why one would want a clean slate when it comes to the bad things, but the good things?  Why would anyone want a clean slate for those things as well?  In my opinion, it is too easy to sit back, celebrate the successes and stay there. Where is the challenge in that? You can only grow from those good times for so long, then you get stuck. 

How can you challenge yourself to grow this year?  What new goals have you set for yourself, including both short and long term?  What can you do to make this world a better place in 2012?   Is there a person in your life that you can choose to invest in this year?  I do not believe for one minute that we were ever created to just exist on this planet. It isn't just about me, and it isn't just about you (sorry to burst your bubble).  I believe there is a purpose to our lives, a purpose that is meant for the good of others.

When Jesus was asked what the most important commandment was, he answered. “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:29-31)  It is interesting how I am not even in the equation.  Jesus never mentions the importance of looking out for "Number One", being me, because I am not.  

I have heard it said that the word JOY is an acronym for putting Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last;  when we do those things, we will have true JOY.  From experience, I know this to be true.

It is early in the morning on January 2nd, 2012 and we have 365 days left to make a difference in our world.  That's right, it is a leap year this year so we get a bonus day.  What are your plans for making a difference this year?  

Revelation 21:5 says, "He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”"

I love it, I love that my slate is clean and that I can focus forward on becoming more of the woman I was created to be.  I am so very thankful for the lessons of 2011 but more importantly for the opportunities I find before me for 2012.

Here's to a great year!