Friday, February 10, 2012

Unseen Doorway

Have you ever been going along, minding your own business, doing your own thing when all of the sudden a door of opportunity opens that you never expected? You didn't see it coming at all, it was just suddenly there, right in front of you, bidding you to enter in.  

Lately I have had a couple of unseen doors open for me.  Two doors I walked through and been pleasantly surprised at the blessings those opportunities have brought to my life. Unseen doors may also lead to challenges to make us grow more and more into the men and women of God He wants us to become.

"These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open." Revelation 3:7 

This is a verse of which I need to continually remind myself while I walk this life of faith. When He opens a door, it won't close until He chooses to close it.  If He closes a door, there is nothing we can do to open it again.   Challenges will come, but times of growth and deep blessing are also on the way.  The unseen doors open to new adventures that our Abba Father wants us to experience with Him.

Do you trust Him to lead the way?  I know I do!

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