Friday, August 31, 2012

Once in a Blue Moon

We have all said it, right? We use it as an excuse actually. When we think of changing something in our lives, of taking a leap of faith, we put it off and say, "Once in a blue moon I think about....."

Did you know that they don't occur often? The next blue moon doesn't occur until July 2015, which is 3 years away.  So what is a blue moon you ask? A blue moon occurs when there are two full moons within the same calendar month, the first at the very beginning of the month and the second at the end.  That's why they don't occur very often.

So, what is it that you have thought of changing, what is the new challenge you have wanted to take but just haven't out of fear of failure? What is it you would like to take a leap of faith for, but have allowed fear to keep you from doing? Want to learn a new language? Take up a new hobby? Sign up for that missions trip that you think you could never go on?  What is it?

The enemy of our souls would love for us to live in fear and discouragement, but Jesus Christ died to give us a full and complete life.  That isn't a life that starts once we die and get to heaven, it starts right here, right now!  What's stopping you from grabbing on to that full and complete life that God has laid out in front of you?

If you will only think about it once in a blue moon, you are in luck! Today is your day!  Today is a blue moon; I saw it myself as I was out for a walk this morning.  Today, grab hold of what it is God has for you and jump! Take that leap of faith. It's yours for the taking.  God's got you. He won't let you go!

Have a blessed day my friends and enjoy the blue moon like I do!

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